The school bus was stuck on a hill due to the ice and snow storm that had rolled in that day. One could barely see because of the blowing snow. The bus landed about a mile away from my house on top of the big hill, and there was no other choice but to walk home. Every step seemed like a mile, and I remember my face feeling so frozen I could not even open my mouth to complain about how I could not feel my feet or hands! I was in 7th grade. I was not dressed to be walking in the snow, but I was on a mission for HOME! I remember I was almost in tears by the time I saw the welcome sight of the front door! Home never looked so good. But what I remember most, as vivid as if it happened today, was Mom opening up that door. She had warm towels and clothes waiting, and had made a big pot of beef stew. The house smelled delicious! There was a bowl by the fire place ready to eat and I tell you what, that was the best bowl of beef stew I ever ate. I felt safe, warm, loved, and oh the smell and feel of my warm home.
Every time it snows, my heart takes me back to those memories. I think it is why every snow storm, soup is made, and that beautiful warmness takes me back to that safe wonderful feeling.
As I look out this morning, the sun is hitting the snow just right, and sparkles are lighting up everywhere. It is as if our yard was sprinkled with glitter and sunshine! I opened up the door and it was quiet, so quiet. Cars are usually heard speeding by but today it was quiet. Quiet, sparkly, calm.
Standing there in the quiet white blanket of snow, I was taken back by the beauty of the snow, and the memory of my Mom. Many times on the way to and from chemotherapy we would sing old hymns together. She loved the Gaither’s, and she loved singing those wonderful hymns from when she was younger. I particularly remember our trip after it had snowed and we were on our way to chemotherapy. My mom was growing very frail as this was toward the end of her cancer journey. She began singing in her sweet frail little voice “Jesus Paid It All” Even though her memory was failing, she made it through every verse with her arms in the air in praise as she finished the final verse. She was weak, but not too weak for those little arms to raise up to heaven. She looked over at me with a smile and said, “He’s paid it all Lisa…’s all going to be ok”. I needed to hear those words that day because it didn’t feel ok. But after that song, and her sweet reminder, I felt like I was home again, and grace was present to carry us through the final part of this journey.
As I looked out at the snow today under my breath I began to sing that hymn as her memories filled my mind. I closed my eyes and just imagined she might be singing with me from heaven.
“I hear the Savior say, thy strength indeed is small;
Child of weakness, watch and pray, find in Me thine all in all.”
Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.
I know what our conversation would be today if I was on the swing with my Mom looking at this snow. That when we walk outside and see it all covered in fresh snow: it is just like my sin, no darkness remains (John 1:7). When we see banks of snow piling up: it is just like His grace, abundant and heaping over (John 1:16). When we look outside and see only winter white: what a shining example that my sins are washed that white through Jesus (1 Corinthians 6:11).
What a comfort in knowing and living in the incredible grace of my Heavenly Father. Snow reminded me of that grace today, in so many ways. No matter where I am in life, no matter where God leads, as long as He is by my side….I am home, where it is always safe and warm. What a great place to land.