This Easter weekend has been on mind so much this week. Yesterday we attended Maundy Thursday service, and today is Good Friday. It has been a week of great reflection as we near Easter Sunday. Last year at this time those Easter Sunday services were being held virtually. Signs were on the lawn to attend church services from home. My what a year it has been.
Good Friday. Thoughts of the timing of this pandemic we are walking through, and Easter weekend fill my mind. Emerging out of quarantine, and this entire experience has brought me into this Easter season a different person. This Easter just seems to be even meaningful to me than ever. I am more grateful. I see things differently. There is more clarity than ever. I look forward to Easter Sunday in a way I never have before.
Someone asked me recently what emotion I have felt the most during this past year and all of the events that happened
in my own life, good and not so good. Oddly enough that emotion was anticipation. I know God is up to something. There is transformation and change happening. I know in my own life things that gripped me and held me from walking in complete freedom, I am releasing and letting go. I know the old normal is no longer. And I am so ok with that.
in my own life, good and not so good. Oddly enough that emotion was anticipation. I know God is up to something. There is transformation and change happening. I know in my own life things that gripped me and held me from walking in complete freedom, I am releasing and letting go. I know the old normal is no longer. And I am so ok with that.
I have seen this year as not something I want to escape from but want to emerge from in a better way. Kind of like a
butterfly remains in that cocoon until it is time to emerge and fly! That butterfly didn’t conform, it transformed. I want to be transformed in a better and more beautiful way because of those trials. And sometimes it is the trials that transform us the most.
butterfly remains in that cocoon until it is time to emerge and fly! That butterfly didn’t conform, it transformed. I want to be transformed in a better and more beautiful way because of those trials. And sometimes it is the trials that transform us the most.
I took my prayer walk today and began wiping tears as I just reflected on the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for me. Good Friday. It really is taking on a whole new perspective this year. I am loosening my grip on things I have struggled with and giving them to God. I am believing. I am trusting. When those things are offered up to God, He resurrects in a way we could never imagine. It is a challenge in our culture to simply stop and not ask God for anything in our prayers but just give Him thanks. I want this day to be filled with “praises” and “thank you’s”.
I am stilled when I think of the creator of the universe, my Lord and Savior being nailed to a wooden cross – as if he were a criminal and He died there – for me. For you.
I am humbled, stilled, and overwhelmed with thankfulness of all that this day represents and all that was done because of pure love. I know that today is Good Friday……but my heart rejoices because….
I know Sunday is coming!
May you have a glorious and blessed Easter weekend.