The best birthday ever.

She opened the door wide, her arms stretched out to invite Mabel into a big hug. This morning, I was asked to make a home visit through Lisa Bain Ministries to a precious angel who is fighting a tough health battle. She requested Mabel’s comforting presence, and I also brought her a Lisa Bain Ministry Resilience Box filled with items that bring hope and encouragement to people in broken places. Each item has a special purpose.

As I watched this sweet young girl take each item out of the box, I felt a strong sense of Mom’s presence. I remembered her words, the faith she had in our mission, and the lessons she tried to teach me about the journey. I could almost hear her telling me to take this time on my birthday to look back on the past year and see how the puzzle pieces were finally fitting into place. So many times, those pieces made no sense, and I couldn’t imagine how they would all come together. I had spent time trying to hammer puzzle pieces into place, but it doesn’t work that way. And we don’t get to throw out the jagged, dark pieces. Sometimes they are the most important ones, and I have learned to thank God for them. They prepare me for the next season. Mom was right. That next season is here, and those hard pieces of transition make sense now.
This past year, I said goodbye to Joy in the Cause, and I welcomed the new season of Lisa Bain Ministries. I made a promise to Mom to continue her legacy of bringing hope and healing to people who are in broken places. The ministry would continue. I will keep that promise until my last breath. Mom knew what was ahead, and all the letters she wrote and words she spoke now make sense. I didn’t know what was coming, but she did.
I am so thankful for Mom’s vision to begin JITC ten years ago. We have always prayed that God’s handprints would cover the organization in every way, and that prayer continues. Mavis will always be a part of JITC, and the stuffed Mavis dogs are still going out. You can visit to find out all the things that are still happening. But we are looking ahead at a fresh season for us, and we are so excited that our new nonprofit, Lisa Bain Ministries, is in place and already reaching out to people who are walking through brokenness. Seasons change, but the grace of God is unchanging and always carries us through.
This year, we said goodbye to Gracie and Mavis, and welcomed sweet Mabel. Another season ended, and another begun. The joy that Gracie and Mavis brought changed our lives and many others for the better. During the loss, our community embraced us, overwhelming us with love and comfort. As I watched my dogs with their arms around each other at that last moment, I wished we could all love like that–unconditionally and without reservation. What a better world it would be. Gracie and Mavis taught me lessons no person could have, and Mabel will too. I am ready to watch the legacy that Mabel will now create and carry forward through Lisa Bain Ministries. Soon, we’ll add a sister, and the circle will continue.
We lost many dear friends this year to illness, but as we said goodbye, we celebrated the incredible legacy each one left. People were changed and souls impacted because of these friends, and I learned to dwell on those wonderful memories even as I mourned. We also welcomed new lives into our family this year, precious gifts that bring hope and healing.

On my birthday today, Skipper and I woke up early to talk about this year. Looking back, we realized that even though it’s been the hardest, it’s given us more teachable moments than any other year. God is good like that. “Your heart may break but your vision will become clear.” That quote resonates as we think about the transitions and heartbreaks, and how our vision is now in focus. Truth, God’s plan, miracles, open and closed doors, and authentic friendships were all revealed during these past twelve months. Those dark, jagged pieces of the puzzle were fitting into place, one by one.

This morning, after all the hugs and laughter, I chatted with this angel we were visiting. “Thank you for bringing Mabel today,” she said. “You made it not hurt as much, and I
like this day!”My visit with her was the best birthday gift, helping me realize how the puzzle of the past year has transformed into a picture I now see clearly. And when I look at it, I feel like I’ve come home to a place that is safe and warm. It’s the place of knowing you are exactly where God wants you to be.

“Thank you, Lord, for all the ways you have been preparing us for Lisa Bain Ministries. Only you could have paved this path and given me this moment with your handprints all over it. Thank you for a mom who knew what was ahead and prepared me, sending me confirmation every step of the way. Lord, you took heartbreaks and turned them into miracles.”
I can envision Mom, Mavis, Gracie and Holly watching from heaven and smiling as Mabel and I walked out to my car this morning after our visit. I scooted behind the wheel, tears flooding my eyes as I looked up with one more prayer on my lips.
“Thank you, Jesus, for this birthday, and for graciously walking me to this place that feels like home. It’s so good to be here. “

A HUGE thank you to all of you who have sent gifts, cards, calls, notes, messages, fun movies, and so much more to truly make this the best birthday EVER. You are family and I am beyond grateful!!!

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