The Grady Nichols Christmas Show, a beloved Tulsa tradition, is back for its eighth season this year! The 2024 show will showcase the incredible talents of Andy Chrisman and Kelly Ford, Alaska Rayne Holloway, LeAnne Taylor, along with a twelve-person cast of Tulsa’s finest musical performers and a phenomenal choir. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, December 10th at 7:00 pm at the Mabee Center for an evening you won’t forget. Over the years, this Christmas show has thrilled audiences with its lively, funky selections and a mix of both original and classic Christmas tunes. (And many surprises!)
Last year’s concert featured surprises like Kenny Loggins and Jay DeMarcus of Rascal Flatts introducing a few songs. You can expect even more exciting surprises this year!
This year, we’re offering more levels, perks, premium seating, and benefits for our sponsors than ever before! From tickets to a free concert for your business with Grady, you won’t want to miss these sponsor opportunities. Plus, we’ll be hosting an hors d’oeuvre reception at our meet and greet to honor our sponsors. The best part? Your sponsorship is tax-deductible and supports the projects of Lisa Bain Ministries.
This event is a wonderful opportunity for Tulsans to come together, enjoy a night of Christmas celebration, and support a meaningful cause.
Due to the packed stadium last year, we’ve opened up more of the Mabee Center for fantastic floor seating. We heard your requests and we answered! Tickets are on sale now! Just head to ticket sales here
Take a quick 30-second look at what you can expect at this concert. Mark your calendars and make plans to attend the Christmas event of the year!
2023 Concert Recap