Lessons From My Dogs

I am always amazed and always in awe of the things I learn from my dogs. They have taught me more about unconditional love than any person ever has. You don’t have to tell them what’s going on. They know. Holly came home from the Vet last week with not so good news, and it is was if Gracie and Mavis were assigned to be her nurse. They have not left her side for one second. Even while she eats. They even sleep touching her.

I don’t know how much longer we have Holly. Hopefully for much longer, but I wouldn’t trade a second of my time with her for anything. My service dog with a smile and a constant tail wag! Someone asked me if it was worth it? Having a dog only to know they will die one day and it will be heart wrenching. The love and joy they give FAR outweighs the sadness of goodbyes.

I often speak on the topic of purpose, and about fear. One of my biggest fears growing up was speaking in public. Want to know what was one of the things that pushed me outside of the box to start speaking? Holly. Sharing about service dogs. Way before there was a Mavis, or a Joy in the Cause, there was Holly. God brought an angel to use to get me out there knowing what was ahead. Gracie taught me I could be in a dog obedience trial and not die. I could even NQ (disqualify) with humor! (and there were a lot of laughs) Crazy Gracie won many titles….who knew! And then there was Mavis Pearl…..well Mavis is her own adjective and loves with a heart of gold. (with humor as well!) She opened many doors to help those in such need. She was there with my Mom in hospice and even sat at her casket as we said our goodbyes. Our newest member Mabel Joy is so full of love and ready to spread that love as a therapy dog.

We should all love like this. With no conditions, no judgement, no criticisms.

I am sitting here writing this with my dogs at my side. All hovering around Holly, because they know she needs it right now. They just know. One of moms last conversations with me was “Lisa, Love Wins. You will be faced with very unlovable people on this journey, your heart will be crushed, those you love will hurt you, and you may question why. Don’t ask why….just love them. Forgive them. Thank God for what you learned through it all…..and move forward with the mission of what God has called you to do. Don’t let it hold you back! Love and Grace always win.”

Some day I will have to say goodbye to these fur babies I love so much. Until then I cherish every second, thank God for what they have taught me and the people in my life I have because of them. And…. I will love. No matter what, I will love and forgive. Mom was right. Love and Grace win. Always.

Note: Holly went to heaven April 11, 2020. God granted us much grace when we said our final goodbye. My life was forever changed and made better having her in my life. Run free sweet girl. Run free.

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