From “gloomy” to “ah ha!”

It has been a rainy, gloomy few weeks hasn’t it? I took my prayer walk recently in the rain. I was tired of waiting for the sky to clear, so thought I’d just take that walk anyway, rain and all! As I walked, becoming more soaked by the second, I thought about the gloomy skies and the rain pouring down. I thought of how the beginning of this day seemed so mundane and gloomy. But as I began looking all around, I saw the most beautiful garden of flowers, bursting with color! There were geese in the park having a fun time splashing in the puddles. The trees were greener, the colors more brilliant than ever. But it took the rain to make them this way. There were miracles waiting in the mundane. I just had to look for them.

When I get hit with the “blah’s”, all it takes is remembering that this moment, this mundane moment….is a gift. Many days may not be “instagram worthy, and many days are real and raw….but they are full of God’s love. That’s the game changer.
I have lost several very dear friends to illness this month, and I realize more than ever “what they would have given for just one more mundane moment!” I should never take them for granted. We are not guaranteed a tomorrow but we have right now. What will we do with it? Are we wasting those moments worrying, listening to the noise coming from things we should not be listening to? Are we focused on our purpose and what God has waiting for us? That present IS a present directly from God. He’s in the every day moments, even the ones that feel gray and gloomy. There is true meaning to your life, and sometimes the biggest miracles are found right at the center of those mundane moments. You can’t find them if you are not looking for them. If you look for them, I promise you will find them.
Life is a gift. Un-tie those ribbons, and watch mundane turn to miraculous!

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