Puddle Jumping

She was dressed in a cute little sundress as if she were on her way to a party. She had her Mom’s hand then abruptly let go at the sight of the big puddle that had been made from all of the rain. I watched her face light up like a Christmas tree! She was sprinting to that puddle as fast as she could! Faster than her Mom could grab her hand, she was having the time of her life stomping through the ripples of water! Her cute little dress was now brown, and soaking wet, and she was quite proud of it. Her laughter could be heard across the parking lot. As her Mom screamed “Macy NO!” Those words were too late. Macy was having the time of her life in that puddle!

I have been thinking about little Macy, and the expression on her face of pure joy when she saw that puddle! She didn’t see a big hole filled up with muddy water, she saw opportunity! She saw fun in that opportunity! It made me think of the way I look at the trials, puddles if you will, that come in life. Some deeper than others, some muddier than others. Do I look at them like insurmountable sink holes of life, and try to avoid dealing with them? Or do I look at them like Macy did that puddle? She found pure delight in that puddle of hers! I realize more then ever as I think about Macy, that not only does God want to get me through those muddy puddles in life, but he wants me to enjoy it! He wants me to have fun and find laughter. Life is full of puddles, some even sink holes! But he doesn’t want ME to sink. I have had to put that to the test this year more than ever. I think we all have! Some might even say 2020 has pretty much been a sink hole year! There have been many unexpecteds, and some of the holes in life right now are simply not knowing what is ahead. I have to admit, some days I am like “what, are you kidding me?…where’s the life jacket! Save me! How can this possibly be fun!” It’s then that God teaches me to close my eyes, take a deep breath, know He’s right beside me holding me up. I won’t sink! It’s my job to jump in and enjoy the swim (or stomp!) What I see is what I am looking for! Am I seeing something insurmountable, or am I looking for ways to find a place of joy in spite of all the “muddiness”. Oh to be like a child! The pure faith and joy of a child! If we could all tackle those puddles like Macy!

As I took my morning run this morning, I have to admit, I stomped in every puddle in my path. It has just rained, so there were many! I thought about those big sinkholes in life, but I also thought about stopping to jump in the puddle and have fun along the way. Puddle or sink hole, God is there. And He wants me to enjoy the journey, no matter what. Am I willing to change my perspective? Am I willing to let go of those strongholds that have me looking at things from a “sinkhole” perspective? It’s worth the jump! There really can be joy in a sinkhole. Get your rain boots on and let’s go!

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