Stuffed Mabel Joy dogs bringing comfort

We love the stuffed Mabel Joy dogs so much, and love the joy and hope that they are already bringing to so many.  It took me back 10 years ago when I sat in my living room floor gluing tutu’s together for little stuffed Mavis Pearl dogs.  Here we are now, missing our Holly, but thankful we have Mabel to stand in her place and help dress her stuffed Mabel Joy dogs.

It is always amazing to me how my dogs never touch these stuffed dogs.  They can spread across the floor and the dogs treat them as if they were their own pups! I think they know how special they are, and the angels who will be receiving them.  As we pray over each dog and the person represented, it is a special time.  I am thankful for these moments, changing seasons, and the opportunities we have to serve, step out, and see the miracles God has waiting.

4 thoughts on “Stuffed Mabel Joy dogs bringing comfort”

  1. Hi maybel Joy you are so cute little stuff animals dog! I want one of you to be with Mavis pearl! So my name is Katy Lew! For the new family dog! God Bless you Maybel joy

    1. Hi Katy! Great to hear from you! You most definitely need a Mabel Joy pup to go with your Mavis! We will talk soon!

  2. Mabel Body (my actual name)

    Do you handmake each one? Are they copyrighted? My church group used to make little flat teddy bears to give to homeless kids who stayed at our church.
    Never thought of giving to grumpy people. Just read your piece on FACEBOOK which was shared by a friend from college.

    1. These are stuffed pups that are look a likes of the real therapy dog ambassador for Lisa Bain Ministries. We hand make items on the dog. Stuffed pups bring a smile to so many and each one is individually prayed over. Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest impact. The teddy bear project you are doing at your church is wonderful!

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