Sunday is coming

I am reflecting on this Easter weekend. We will sing about it on Easter morning and be humbled together by the love that set us free.

God is up to something. Easter is taking on a new perspective as I loosen my grip on things I’ve held tight and offer them up to God. I am believing and trusting that when we offer our doubts, fears, and worries to God, He resurrects everything in our lives in ways we can never imagine. It’s a challenge in our culture to silence our voice and not ask God for anything, but to simply give Him thanks.

They nailed Jesus to a wooden cross, as if He were a criminal. We can walk in freedom today because He walked through darkness while hanging on that cross. He died a cruel death for you and me and for everyone you encounter today. He suffered for people you will never meet. We are all loved, and God wants us to feel the hope of our release, like the butterfly.

Yesterday was Good Friday. I am stilled and overwhelmed with gratefulness for all that day represents, and I am rejoicing with the expectation. I am filling this weekend with grateful prayers and saying thank you to Jesus for what He endured for me. For you.

My heart rejoices as I wait for Easter, because God is up to something.

Sunday is coming!

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