Lisa Bain Ministries offers comfort and hope through Resilience Care Packages and therapeutic animal visits, providing tangible support and companionship to those facing life's challenges.

Our mission is rooted in the belief that the rough patches of life can be navigated with support and community. We work with partner organizations to lighten the load for those who feel lost or isolated due to illness, personal crises, or life’s harsh circumstances. Through therapy animal visits and individually tailored care packages, we reach out to those battling illness, children in crisis, veterans and Gold Star families, and individuals experiencing homelessness.

Whether assembling resilience care packages or bringing the soothing presence of our therapy dogs, our initiatives are designed to offer comfort, uplift spirits, and remind people they are not alone. We value care, connection, and community and are committed to walking alongside those who need healing and hope.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love”

1 Corinthians 13:13


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Resilience Boxes

Wrap your arms around someone who is in a broken place by sponsoring Resilience Boxes.

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Treasure Talks

Stories to encourage and strengthen you to step outside your comfort zone, finding freedom in your story!

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Out and About

Lisa's authenticity will touch your heart, and her message leave you encouraged and full of renewed hope.

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Mabel's Corner

If you love animals, you will love this little corner.  Stories about Mabel, Maddie and Moose, and much more!


Join us in our mission! Your partnership helps us provide care and compassion to those facing hardship.

What People are Saying

Thank you doesn’t begin to express what this care box has meant to me.  You care. I write this note in tears.  Good ones.   Do you even know how long it has been since I have been able to say that?  I have felt so alone on my cancer journey.  I sometimes feel like I am just a number on a chart, then I received your care box.  I love the name on the box!  “Resilience Care Box!”  For the first time since my diagnosis I didn’t feel alone.  To see the notes left by people who cared enough to have a part in my care box brought me to tears.   As I sit here in my chair recovering from chemo, I am wrapped up in the prayer quilt, knowing I was prayed for and I am holding on tight to the stuffed Mabel dog. Gosh I love her!  I am wearing my necklace from the box and don’t think I will ever take it off.  I didn’t have snacks for all day chemo, but your bag of snacks got me through the day.  And I even wore my socks that told me I could do all things through Christ every time I looked at them!  The entire box has so much meaning, but most of all love.  It’s like I opened up a box of many people showing love and care.  Thank you for praying for me.  Thank you for reminding me I am not just a number on a chart, but there really are people out there who care about me and I am not alone.  God Bless You and each person who had a part in this box. 

 Carol S. 

When your world is turned upside down, Lisa is the person you want in your corner praying and encouraging you. Her empathy & compassion are difference makers and no matter how things turn out for your situation, your world will be more righted than not because of her help

Grady Nichols

Lisa Bain has one of the biggest hearts around! God made her heart to love on others and to bring joy into their lives. Her whole being is dedicated to serving and helping others. I simply love her blogs and was thrilled to see them on her website! She has a way of telling a story, showing how God's work is intertwined in it all.  She writes it in a way that brings hope and inspiration to others. She is the real deal!

Hayley Rose

There are some people in this world that when you meet, you just know they’re someone special. That’s Lisa Bain. She radiates a light and love that is indescribable. Her eyes sparkle with joy and as she listens to you, she is fully engaged in YOU! She has a God-given talent of seeing people who are hurting and being the hands and feet of Jesus, finding ways to help people physically, spiritually and financially. She is passionate about serving others and she can take life’s difficulties and help you see opportunities for growth and change. Once your paths cross, Lisa becomes part of you. Time spent with Lisa Bain is time well spent!

LeAnne Taylor

Lisa is a dynamic, captivating speaker. She inspires, and empowers with her teaching.  She always has the rights words at the right time and her stories are life changing.  Lisa has an ability to present things from different perspectives and always find the silver lining and treasure in even the darkest situation.  Her words inspire others to find that treasure as well.  When Lisa shares, you will be guaranteed to leave with a very full heart. 

A. Ebersole

Lisa's book has brought such joy and encouragement to me! On days that I have felt a little down and needed a lift in my spirit, her book has been an inspiration! When I have been tempted to focus on myself and have a pity party, I read about Lisa's journey and suddenly the little trials that seemed huge, don't seem so overwhelming any more. It has caused me to choose to focus on the good instead of the not so good circumstances. I recommend this book to anyone who can read...or can have it read to them. Everyone will get a smile, a laugh, or a brightened day! Lisa is the real deal...what you read about is exactly Lisa! I have had the privilege of knowing Lisa for 20 years and I have seen her filled with joy through some trying circumstances!

J. Luelf

What can I say? I am a better person for knowing Lisa Bain, and anyone who reads this book will be able to say the same. This book is full of laughter and inspiration (and even some "ugly cries"!) I hope that Lisa and her mother's story can touch an ever-growing number of lives through the words in this book... Amazing!

C. Love
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