Broken to beautiful

Today I spent time with the Flourish Homes Blossoms. I love these girls so much and loved our time together. We talked about forgiveness today, and how important forgiveness is in moving ahead in our purpose. No matter how broken our lives are, there is healing in forgiveness and strength in those broken places. I often share about the art of Kintsugi when I speak. I also write about it in my book “It’s Better Out Here”. Kintsugi is the Japanese traditional technique of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer and decorating with gold, silver, or platinum powder. The Kintsugi method of restoring ceramic doesn’t hide the broken places. Instead, the artist scatters pieces of gold and silver in the cracks, allowing those broken places to glimmer and become the beauty itself.
No matter how broken we are and how many pieces there are to repair, God is able. He turns our weaknesses into strengths. Our lives become even more refined because of the scars. In His hands they are beautiful.
It was so fun to watch each blossom take their piece of pottery that was in the shape of a heart, break it, and repair it. Each was unique, some with more cracks than others. But as we lined them all up, the gold was brilliant! So much gold shining through the cracks! I am proud of these girls, and pray every day they see the gold in their lives and see the strength in their scars. They have a mighty purpose and those broken places may someday be a manual to help another going through their “broken”.
We are a container for God’s Glory and there truly is beauty at the end of broken.

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