Embrace your “Uniqueness”!

Everyone is different.  Embrace your uniqueness! The longer I live the more thankful I am for all of the uniqueness in our world.  I have to admit, I was that girl on the right in the photo above.  (Not surprising, I know.)  If Mom and Dad were here they would quite agree.  I will never forget my conversations with Mom about embracing who I was. I can hear her saying “Lisa, be thankful for your gifts and talents! God needs them and He needs YOU! You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and nothing was an accident!  And, Lisa, don’t be so hard on yourself!” (which I was good at).  I am thankful I had the best cheerleaders reminding me of that daily.  

My devotion this morning was in 1 Corinthians and it went right along with this photo!  The body is comprised of many parts.  They are all important.  Your gifts may not be someone else’s gifts but they are so important and make up the entire body!  What you do matters, what you are matters!  There is no other you than YOU!  And that is pretty awesome!  

Have a great day my awesome friend!

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