Fierce Love

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So, when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. – John 10:11-1

There are days when I need God to remind me that His love is fierce. This photo hangs in my prayer closet and is one of my favorites. It was a gift to me when I faced betrayal and felt like I was sinking to the bottom of a very dark place. I love this photo because it is fierce. Many images of Jesus are gentle, loving, and compassionate, but there are days when we feel destroyed and utterly crushed and need that fierce love.

Recently, I had one of those weeks when it felt like I was up against those wolves again. Like the lamb, I felt small, defenseless, and surrounded by overwhelming forces. But in the photo, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, forms a shield, absorbing the onslaught and keeping the lamb safe. I took a deep breath as I looked at this photo and felt God saying to my spirit, “Just rest. I will battle.” I felt the fierceness of His love that day. I felt Him winning as I rested.

The wolves represent our fears, addictions, doubts, or the world’s darkness. In our weakest moments, we may feel utterly helpless and exposed. Yet, here is Jesus, throwing Himself into the battle on our behalf. His expression is one of determined love as He places Himself between us and danger. He is not distant and uninvolved; He is a Savior willing to endure peril and pain to bring us to safety.

Following Christ doesn’t mean threats and challenges instantly disappear. But in our most vulnerable moments, we have a defender who will protect us from inside and outside forces. He reminds us of His unfailing love when we doubt ourselves, and He assures us He will walk us through whatever we fear the most. His love is fierce, active, and all-encompassing.

Do you need a shield from the wolves in and around you? Let yourself rest, knowing God’s fierce love will always walk you through the battle, protect you, and see you to the other side of the darkness. And at the end of it, you can fall into His gentle, compassionate arms.

2 thoughts on “Fierce Love”

  1. Love these!!! THANK YOU!!!!
    God Bless you.
    I live in Haskell, OK.
    Let me know when you are Ministering close to Tulsa area.

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