Finding Your Purpose

He snuggled his Mavis Pearl dog up to his face and said so sweetly…..”You made my day”…..and closed his eyes to hug that little dog even tighter. What he didn’t realize is that he made MY day. These moments working with hospice facilities and nursing homes just embed in my heart even more the desire to get consistent help to these patients and residents.

There is no greater fulfillment than bringing these precious residents and patients joy, and seeing those beautiful smiles. I have some of the most heartwarming moments when I am visiting with these senior heroes. The story each has to tell, the path that brought them where they are, always leaves me grabbing for my kleenex.

I will never forget the moment I spent with a sweet 94 year old gentleman who was on his “journey home to heaven.” Our conversation was precious. We talked for hours and I just couldn’t leave. His stories were amazing. His life was rich with such love and history. He had married the love of his life and lost her after almost 75 years of marriage. 75 years! Wow.

When I left after our visit, Mavis gave him a high five and so did I. He grabbed my hand and thanked me for listening. I was honored! But then he said to me again, ”but you really listened and you heard. Thank you.” That one got me. As I walked down the hall choking back the tears all I could think was how full my heart was for these moments with this gentleman who was as he said “on his journey home to heaven.” He made his journey home about a month after our visit but it was the precious visit with him that day that sparked in me a desire to have others experience this same joy.

There is so much healing in these visits. Perspectives change, what is important changes, things just come into focus more clearly. One realizes more than ever that the greatest things in life are not things but moments like these.

I get a glimpse of others receiving that joy when I watch those involved in the Purpose Project going on their regular visits with these senior heroes.  We now have schools, businesses, youth groups, local organizations and more involved in sponsoring and adopting nursing facilities in the community.

2016 was an amazing year with many adoptions!  We are so excited to see our community jump on board to help in a great way.  The involvement has been life changing for all.  We love hearing the testimonies on all sides.

The definition of purpose is “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.” I remember a precious lady we were visiting at a local nursing home say as we were leaving “this makes me feel like I have a purpose, like I really matter! You came to visit ME!” She was beaming with delight as she waved goodbye with such a beautiful smile on her face and holding that Mavis Pearl dog up in the air! And on the flip side I hear over and over from our volunteers who make these visits that they feel like they have a renewed purpose in life through these visits. It is healing. You can’t do this and not be changed. Thus the name The Purpose Project. Purpose and JOY on all sides!

Nothing brings greater joy than seeing the youth groups and student organizations being the first to jump in! Our kids our leading the way and paying it forward in huge proportions! I am so proud of them all. There truly is joy in giving. Hope comes on the scene when JOY enters, and before you know it hearts begin healing. It just doesn’t get better than that. It is an amazing journey!

We would love for you to join us!  To find out more about the Purpose Project or to become a sponsor or donor, contact us today. We look forward to having you with us!  You will never be the same!

Purpose on my friends….purpose on!

2 thoughts on “Finding Your Purpose”

  1. Hi Lisa, Your book It’s Better out here is wonderful. I couldn’t put it down. It has inspired me to get in touch with you. I’m also searching for my purpose. My husband was killed in 2017 and Ive been searching ever since for purpose in my life. My children are all grown and have their own families. I have 4 grandchildren, but they also are in school. I first saw you several years ago at Asbury for the Lemonade and Laughter when Mavis Pearl was with you. I felt then you were like my friend that I knew would help me find me again. I signed up for Joy In A Cause but for some reason I never followed through. I would love to volunteer for you, and search for my purpose. I wonder about helping to make the precious puppies and other areas that you think I could help. I have a friend that also would like to volunteer with the puppies. I look forward to hearing from you. Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy! I am just seeing this! I am no longer with Joy in the Cause but Lisa Bain Ministries. We would love to have your help! Send me an email at It was great to hear from you! You are in my prayers!!!!

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