Journey On!

The longer I live the more I realize it’s the journey, not necessarily the destination that is the best part of all. It’s what God has taught me on this journey that makes the destination all the more precious. Some of those lessons along the way have been painful. Some parts heart crushing. I have had my days of “Really Lord? What’s up with this?” Some definitions have been redefined, and I have seen what His definitions were. Boy were mine all wrong!

His definitions helped me love through it in spite of the hurt. And what happened was the destination was that much closer, and I was more prepared for that destination than ever before. Mom always told me that the journey was the best part. And my reply was “Mom, you are nuts, it’s the final destination!” And she would reply….”you’ll see Lisa, you’ll see….” She knew there were going to be some tough days ahead. She even told me before she went to heaven that she hated leaving, knowing she was leaving me to face some tough valley’s after she was gone. But then she would smile and say “But Oh Lisa, you will learn to love what you become through the journey! God has your back….and the miracles you will see along the way will knock your socks off!” Mom was right once again.

It reminds me of running. I love to run! But it has been the preparation of those runs, the people I have met along the way who have become my running buddies, and the training, that makes crossing that finish line with my friends all the more amazing! And before I know it, one destination sets another one! A 5k, then a 10k, then a half marathon. And I have those tried and true friends crossing the finish line with me, celebrating with me. And I am not even supposed to be able to run (according to doctors!) Which makes it all the more miraculous!

Life is like a race. We are running toward the finish line. Sometimes the training is the hardest part, but the most necessary.  I talk everyday to people on the tough part of the journey. Really tough. I have seen people this year who have been crushed by circumstances, crushed by friends, family, health issues and more. And I have seen how much that just a small seed of love, and hope can help those hurting so deeply. I have been on the receiving end of that love, and know how much it helps! It catapults me to want to help those even more.

I think that’s why I am so passionate about Joy In The Cause. Because it is the smallest acts of personal kindness that can have the biggest impact, and can change hearts and lives. And what happens is the recipient gets the blessing right back! It is truly what helped me and my sweet Mom through the toughest journey of our lives.

The journey is not always easy. In fact some days I feel there are more tough days than miracle days. But I have learned that if I truly look to find the lessons, and the treasures on those tough days, if I reach out and help another in need, the journey gets easier and I see the destination more clearly. You will see true friendships emerge, those who are there through it all, miracles along the way, and those running shoes will be all the more ready to run through that finish line to victory! It will be so worth the journey, which was really the best part of all. It is what brought you to the finish line! Journey ON!

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