Soul Rest

Each new year, Skipper and I choose a word and verses that we claim and stand on for the next twelve months. In early January, we chose several and prayed over them, and it surprised me when the word “supernatural” kept coming to mind. Supernatural. If I chose that word for 2023, what would it look like to live it out? I kept praying, and the answer unfolded.

When I think of the word supernatural, I think of miracles. These usually happen when I have a need and am praying for one. In that scenario, I find myself needing to trust and rest as I wait through the need and expect the miracle. But taking it one step further, I realize that waiting on the supernatural also involves soul-rest. This is a deeper kind of rest than allowing our bodies to slow down. It isn’t related to what circumstance we find ourselves in, nor does it require our souls to “renew” or “rejuvenate.” Soul-rest has its roots in something unshakeable—a confidence that we are unconditionally loved and held safe in the arms of the heavenly Father.

God wants more for us than to cease working. If the only definition of rest we know is the absence of work, then we have missed the fullness of God’s gift. God desires that our physical rest lead to spiritual rest, and, as we trust, soul-rest sets the stage for Him to move in our lives. This is when miracles happen!

We can form the words aloud and in our mind: I trust God. But trust in God is more than words. It’s a deep abiding that doesn’t fear what is around the corner and is willing to put every inch and ounce of our lives into His hands. This is when soul-rest comes. Words will not give us the rest our souls long for, but complete trust will. When we declare Jesus to be the Lord of our lives and not only a person we read about in the Bible, something changes in us. And when we think and live like He is worthy of our complete faith and trust, we experience the soul-rest He offers.

The journey to trust Jesus has taken me a lifetime. I’m still working on this. I love Jesus and believe He is exactly who He claimed to be. But, trust? I don’t give that away easily. People have betrayed me and I’ve betrayed myself. My trust has always been a “Yes, I trust, but…” I have a hard time giving that trust completely. And yet, God is trustworthy. Each time I deliberately choose to trust Him, fear loosens its grip on me, anxiety recedes, and stress melts away. Trust keeps worry from consuming me, and I experience soul-rest. That kind of trust creates a beautiful picture in my mind of resting in the wings of the shadow of the almighty.

He will cover you with his wings; you will be safe in his care; his faithfulness will protect and defend you. Psalms 91:4.

There is a place of rest in those wings where you feel yourself sinking into the Father’s arms. Deep breaths come easy and peace overshadows everything. This is the safe place where we can trust that God is working supernaturally. My soul can finally rest.

I have already experienced soul rest in the first few weeks of 2023 and realized that finding that complete trust in the middle of the storm is often the supernatural miracle! When people have wounded you, trust can be challenging, and when you prioritize productivity and spend days serving, rest can be difficult. But the trust and rest are essential for our souls.
A painting I received in the mail recently was yet another confirmation of my 2023 word for the year. When I opened the gift from a dear friend, I was sure she had been listening in and knew my word for the year. The painting depicted how I envision myself: resting my soul in anticipation of the supernatural miracles. The gift was another confirmation of my word, and I hung it on my vision wall in my office. As I looked around, I could see that trust and rest cover every item on my vision boards.

It is my prayer that you see miracles this year and enter the abundant life Jesus offers, trusting Him completely. This is where we find love overflowing, and the true soul rest we long for.

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